
Agriculture and Environment in Quinara

In Quinara Region a new three-year program started in June 2023 to support 23 clubs, 1.311 youth and women farmers in production and entrepreneurship.

After a baseline survey, a selection of 23 communities and 23 leaders took place. A Memorandum between Swiss-Aid and the communities was signed.

The communities committed themselves and started to clean their plots, measure the wells and list the tasks that needed to be solved.

Curriculums were made about processing and marketing with 80 hours of training, which will be provided to the clubs.

The first training was about Gender conducted by Swiss-Aid.

The second training in cohesion and leadership was conducted by the Farmers’ organisation Tostan.

The third training in agroecology was the first of two trainings that took place in December.

The people trained will go back to the community and share the new information with their community.

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) & Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) supported the project.