Adult Literacy Courses at the Farmers’ Clubs


The Farmers’ Clubs Renewable Energy project is now in the fifth and last year of its implementation. It is still working with 24 villages in the Bissora sector. In total 2600 families are organized in 52 clubs in the project area. During the last year the project is working in three operational activity areas: (A) Farming, (B) Processing and Commercialization, (C) Community or Social Activities. 

Under the third line of Community and Social Activities, the project is operating 24 community centers in the villages. The community centers were established in 2013 and are being used for a variety of activities. 

All community centers have solar equipment installed for electricity, which facilitates the activities that take place. 

Activities taking place at the community centers are adult literacy courses, preschool educational activities, cultural events, meetings and film presentations, among other things. 

In 2015 and 2016 the Farmers’ Club received a donation of furniture to refurbish the community centers. The donation came in two phases 5 centers received the furniture in 2015 and in 2016 in the month of May the other 19 community centers received the furniture.  The donations of furniture have increased the interest of many farmers. There was an increase of farmers enrolling in the adult literacy courses.  

Some of the other community activities carried out by the Farmers’ Clubs are sensitization campaigns about the use of latrines and the excavation of garbage pits, lessons about the environment and renewable energy sources, and sensitization about sexual reproductive health.